Second Saturday of every month


Our partner, United Electronic Recycling, LLC (UER), provides professional, efficient recycling services to residents, small and large businesses, and educational organizations of Collin County, North Texas and Oklahoma.

Second Saturday of Every Month
St Andrew Methodist Church
5801 W Plano Pkwy
Plano, TX 75093

$10.00 per copier size box or tall kitchen trash bag. Cash only, credit cards and checks not accepted.



United Electronic Recycling

  • Accepts all computer-related equipment, printers, audio and video equipment, consumer electronics, cell phones, and TVs*View a complete list of the products UER accepts.
  • Has a ZERO landfill or incinerator initiative! They are in full compliance with the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) for identity theft certification, by federal mandate and enforced by the Federal Trade Commission.
  • Offers corporate services including secure data erasure, hard drive shredding, asset recovery and Certificate of Destruction.
  • Provides pick-up of bulk amounts of equipment to businesses and schools.

Residential Pick-Ups are available upon request, please contact United Electronic Recycling for Logistical Costs/Fees.

*Drop-off Event Disposal Fees

  • Printers, faxes and copiers – $5 per item
  • CRT monitors – $10 per item
  • Televisions – $25 per item

United Electronic Recycling cannot accept TVs, LCD or CRT monitors with broken screens.

Contact United Electronic Recycling for more details.

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