Hard Drive Shredding

hard drive shredding dallas

Retired IT assets house sensitive and confidential information, including accounting and payroll records, proprietary customer lists, intellectual property and trade secrets, banking and credit card information. Every business has an obligation to manage sensitive data stored on company IT assets. With growing concern for the proper handling of sensitive data, as well as compliance with privacy laws, United Electronic Recycling , the parent company of Mobile Shred IT, has designed its hard drive shredding process with the highest level of care and security.


data security dallas

Off-site Hard Drive Shredding – UER offers hard drive shredding stored securely via lockbox at the UER facility. Hard drives can be shredded into tiny particles, which render the platter completely unreadable.

On-site Hard Drive Shredding – For the absolute highest level of security, UER offers on-site data destruction management. This allows our clients to oversee the total destruction of their hard drives, with hard drives never leaving your premises. UER provides On-Site hard drive shredding throughout Texas, Oklahoma, and surrounding states at competitive rates. One-time and ongoing services can be scheduled at your convenience.

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